IATF CARA NC Management states and workflow between auditor/CB and client

IATF CARA NC Management states and workflow between auditor/CB and client

IATF CARA NC states are controlled by the name/signature section of each NC block. Once the name is set the block will be closed for changes. By removing the name you can go back into the previous state.

IATF CARA has four internal states for the management of an NC action. The control of this stages is automatically controlled by IATF CARA based on the signature sections of the report. The stages can be reverted by removing the signature/name. Their purpose is to support auditors/CBs and clients in their data entry process of the NC management making clear when to enter data and to avoid accidental changes

The following stages are integrated:


This stage is the first entry of the NC Management data and closed when the Auditor Name is selected to close the NC Management entry. It switches to organization entry state. If you do want to unblock this field use the offered empty selection.


In NC Cara the organization section can be changed until the representative name in the last submission is set. This section is only editable for the organizations in IATF NC CARA and not in IATF CARA. This allows to edit a major NC in the 20 day and 60 day cycle and also when an NC is rejected as the submission as to be documented as well.

Once the submission is set and the client sends the report back to the auditor/cb it will be switched to CbNCEntry.


In the Cb reviewer decision section the entry is reviewed and closed by the reviewer name. If the report was rejected the reviewer will have the option to select “Return to client” to generated a new unblocked CB reviewer section and also a new Submission section which will set the report back into the OrganizationNcEntry state.



The Nc management was completed.

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