Welcome to the IATF Cara wiki page. This page will answer all your questions about IATF CARA (Common Audit Report Application). The idea behind IATF CARA is to create standardized audit reports and support the auditor on creating these reports.

IATF Cara supports the stage 1 readiness review to stage 2 and all surveillance audits including the special audit.

It has specific how-to-articles for different functionalities and FAQ articles for repeated questions.

If you have any questions which aren’t answered by this wiki you can use our Service Desk


You can access IATF CARA using the link cara.iatfglobaloversight.org. It uses the browser to cache and save data. After starting the application it will be automatically saved in your browser and offline available. You can start it without any internet connection. All created audits will be saved in the browsers internal database and should be additionally saved regularly on your device using the backup function or the report save function. The browser database is connected to the clean browser cache functionality. Please make sure to create regular backups and to backup or export your data before clearing the browsers cache. The save report/backup function enables you to exchange reports or move data between devices. Completed reports shall be saved on the device and removed from the report list.


  • IATF standard reports

  • IATF business rules implemented

  • Export as json or xml file

  • Data exchange between auditors and organization using report and nc management exports

  • Local data saving

  • List of all created reports, Active report to quickly continue your work

  • Online and Offline available with automatic updates

  • Backup functionality

  • Encryption