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IATF CARA is designed as progressiv web application. On startup the tool caches all data for the application in the browser and uses the index db of the browser to save all application data within that browser as well. On every startup the application downloads changes in the background if a new release is available. On the second start up after closing the browser the new version will be started. This process is defined by CARAs offline capability and the control of the browser.
First: Reserved for major release changes
Second: Reserved for data structure changes and also features, patches and translations
Third: Reserved for features, patches and translation corrections.
Handling of reports between versions
The original of the report is the pdf created on completion. If a report is accessed in a new version IATF CARA will show all new fields in the digital version as required. If there is a business logic which can be applied it will be applied by IATF CARA (i.e “Has previous NCs question from R1.2 will be automatically answered with yes if there were previous NCs). The pdf will also be created in the updated version printed.
IATF CARA has a fallback for required fields implemented. All fields which were previously not required won’t be required in the new print version and also not be printed. If that field has a value though it will be printed. The fallback decision is made on the audit end date and the new release date. The day the update was activated on the users device has no influence.
Release information table (contains planned/published release information)
Release Date
Features Added
Release Date
Features Added
1.5.1 build update
Changed SRI to PRI
Corrected Activities
Adjusted NC print to include 15 day review from CARA creation
Removed required for planning time and additional time in data entry
Change of final report statement from technical reviewer to auditor has send the report to technical reviewer
This is a hard change users are warned to update when the name in the field is not an auditor
Change of final question form technical reviewer to report was send to technical reviewer to accommodate CBs processes
Stage 1 question adjustment for standalone report support site
Audit Preparation and Planning Time will be moved to the auditors same as audit additional time
Process section
Removal of “Activities” in process section definition for inheritance as it was replaced by direct Activities assignment
Previous audit cycles for Standalone site are not shown and printed anymore due to repeat of surveillance since Rule 6th
Auditor certificate no is no entered in an automated certificate no. updater so changes after assignment still remain
Organization Information
new options for changes since last audit
new section with corporate scheme questions
Extended manufacturing site
new questions for “Justification for extended manufacturing site and validation of current conditions”
new fields inputs and outputs
“Sampled locations” for activities
Nc Management
change from 20 to 15 due
now the 15 days documentation is required directly after S5
Adjustment of reviewer decisions
Standalone remote support location
Removal of standalone report “Standalone remote support location audit report” it is no part of regular report types and defined by switch in Audit Basic data “Is this a standalone remote support location audit?”
updated audit type for new cycles
updated cycle time [12,24]
change auditor id to change the auditor id for all assignments and references at once
Added direct binding for process audit notes and showing it for more than one auditor to improve the co-auditor merging process
Added possibility to print 20-day response NC reports with reviewer section
added OEM Volvo Group
USIs for providing and receiving support are now mandatory
Separation of performance complaint into
Performance complaint investigation
Verification of actions as a result of a performance complaint
Waiver field moved to Audit data to collect all waivers excluding audit time extension
Change in business rules CB Identification no and IATF certificate no in standalone audit report becomes optional
Change to optional for follow up audit information on not passed Stage 1 report
fixed translation issues: Non English labels for “Providing support to” and “Receiving support from” translations were switched and now corrected
removed Russian from available languages
fixed: report merging issue
added merge customer function to merge CSRs and KPIs to allow merging same customer separated due different writing of the name
fixed: Save button on the bottom of the results page created xml instead json file
Wording for Receiving and Supporting locations unified with IATF Database
Redesign customer information
migrated Customer OEM performance and Customer specific requirements into customer
added option to add a comment per customer
Redesigned shift handling of manufacturing processes
per process multiple shifts with their own names can be added (supports quick entry which can be deactivated)
Audit Notes can be split in sections if needed
Entered CSRs can be linked with processes
Verification of NCs
Verified by auditor is now mandatory for audit teams (Previously “Process lead auditor”)
S1 *Correction (Containment) action, including timing and responsible person is now also inherited into previous NC verification
Receiving support from locations can be marked as not yet audited
explicit inherit to LOC button added
Changed inheritance
Special Audit report
Changed performance complaints to support multiple complaints
fully reworked special audit results and business rules
added report name to footer
NC Management
added a 20 day signature field for client
added USI and IATF certificate no in UI and print
added prefix with section no for file attachment downloads
added NC state information to the information popup
added translate fields to all section to allow auditors/reviewers to translate the client response
added additional error correction methods for json file loading process to problems unrelated to CARA (removing copy/pasted control characters, signatures added to json files, warning when file shortened in transfer)
extended data entry sheet
Shortcuts added for backup, save and print
The software report header action bar has now a backup button
Add missing field counters on start of editing the report
Use processes as template copy
Data importer extended
supports now updates on same object based on id or USI or name
supports now multilevel import i.e. site + activities, process + kpi + clauses + shifts
supports now all fields (i.e. Activities, Clauses in process)
not audited will keep NA values and only set not audited on not NA fields. This allows on inheritance to keep NA. Auditors still have to ensure the proper application on follow up audits!
In Previous Nonoconformities the optional field process audit lead was added to allow managing previous NCs by co auditor and properly merging. This was not possible on inheritance as the lead auditor became the owner of that data.
Customer information
IATF OEM customer performance for quality, delivery and special status condition will only allow IATF customers as drop down based iatfdatabse. OEM names were not used as defined in the iatfdatabase and had to be corrected.
In all automotive customers the selection of IATF OEM customer will be only allowed when the name is identical to the list of provided IATF OEM customers
Fix on inheritance to special audit the previous audit report was added as well into special audit list
remove of pre version 1.3 indexdb datasets when sucessfully updated
Audit report and remote support function audit report
new print data entry sheet for iatfdatabase entry information (only in english)
1.3 build 13
added patch for old browser version marking print errors
added patch for browser closing on parallel process openining audit report
fixed problems with single NC loading process
fixed new line old data issue on formatted fields
fixed Activities selection on Touchpad
allowance of formatting in longer text fields (per CB acceptance)
layout improvement
fix after inheritance interval is empty
CB specific
allow to set shorter time for NC resolution dates as suggested value
optional field in CB internal which will not be printed
Organization information
new field corporate scheme name
business logic for has extended manufacturing sites “No”
Process section
NA/compliant will be set in process
optional field completed for process handling including filter completed/not completed
process reference list as quick view (no entry)
business logic NA for all requirements will result in error marking
tracking of process audits including business logic
include business
all manfacturing processes have to be audited in every audit
all other processes have to be audited on Stage2/Recert and once in the cycle
optional entry of activities to be inherited in sites by selecting the process
Manufacturing processes
removed add for manufacturing processes as they should be controlled by process the section
add comments field
add template function
Customer Information
Import of csv files
Rework of report print
mark right sections for missing required fields in IATF CARA (improve finding)
reduction of pages
font size of Asian print
CB Internal section
additional field for internal entries which is not printed
hide/remove previous version
extract function to zip
business logic remove not audited processes from possible selection
increase of performance of IATF CARA on increasing data amount
possibility to keep more reports in browser cache if needed
Archive functionality
Control over reports to reduce the size of the backup and avoid redundant backups of old reports while allowing to keep these reports active in IATF CARA due to it’s new database structure
Data importer
List type segments like CSRs or process can be partially or fully filled by using CSV files and a quick entry
Business Logic
providing support location “Cb Certificate No” is not mandatory
fix: CSR for remote support location not mandatory on print
Translation fixes
NC Management
changed “Systemic corrective actions, including timing and responsible person” to “Corrective actions, including timing and responsible person” to comply with ISO9000 Text
added Iso Clause 8.2.2
Correction of SIs
Update of German translations
minor display fix
Bug fix: “Changes since last audit” options were hidden in digital version of audit report organization information
Adaption: Some nonstandard browsers had loading issues due to a different implementation in the loading process. IATF CARA was adapted to work with these browsers
Additional data is not inherited like process details
Added inheritance to transfer audit
Previous NCs will start with the NC identification no and be followed by the process in Comments
Transfer audits can be now inherited to Stage 1
Process audit team members can be deleted
Process reference list
fields that are automatically calculated are now disabled to avoid confussion
table view short list will switch textbox showing MA,mi,0 to see if field us unset or has an inherited value
Print of draft report
added address of organization on title
added automotive customers on results
Special audit
Is special audit was removed for upcoming reports and will be now defined using the special audit recommendation
IATF requirements were updated to include SIs
Remote support function audit report
added audit cycle and next regular audit for all audits ending after 31.10 as required
File element improvement
attach files per drag and drop
file view in IATF CARA for image and pdf
NC Management (import of client data)
Avoid importing organization data if the field is empty. To avoid the case that the client sends the full report as single NC with empty already closed NCs.
Extend auditor merge to add customer information lines if new entry
News page in IATF CARA
RestApi integration for first CB
Notification system
IATF CARA Serial and ADP based login
First login using the ADP site to receive the serial number and activate IATF CARA
Afterwards if the database is cleared and no backup is used ADP or serial can be used
Confirmation message on using load report on an auditor NC
Warning for loading formats like pdf and archive
xml formatting missing Signature
help translations
default 0 in processes reference list when empty
question “not audited” will be changed to “was the process audited in this audit”
On not audited name of representative is hidden
On Recertification and new KPI hide trend 3 years
Business rule: On Stage2 and no previous audit hide Trend last since last audit
Organization information
other language scopes will be printed even if they are not part of the selected langua
remote location audit
add is on site process question
add Draft information to draft pdf file name
Audit report
Only auto calculate next audit date for Stage 2, due to possible changes in surveillance audit dates
Business rule: Recommendation Options on Recertification allow suspension recommendation
Customer Information
Business rule: On Stage2 and no previous audit hide “Changes since last audit” and “Special status since last audit”
Audit conclusion
At least one project is required
Special audit business rules
Only verification reason or another reason is possible
On Verification hide process details already entered in audit to reduce entry effort
Name of the organization's representative audited
Process performance
Description of the customer CSR's audited
Description of the interactions with supporting / supported processes at other sites(s) and/or remote location(s) audited
NC Management business rule
Select IATF standard clause automatically for all NCs only ISO is optionally set by business logic
Stage1 Readiness
Add Shift Time check to avoid problems due to pre generated reports
Merge of audits
o Process KPIs without a name are not added during the merge
o By default, backup interval for new users is set to 0 to avoid any data loss
Added warning if IATF CARA is opened multiple times in the same browser
unification and clearer naming of recommendations
business logic for audit recommendation based on audit type
business logic for special audit based on reason for the audit
special audit supports now scope extension with sites and processes
changed the organisation encryption to randomly generated passwords for nc reports
passwords will be used for the whole communication process
process reference list
added full bi-directional PA/OFI/NC changes
added the possibility to hide PA/Ofi/NCs in table and activate it by default using settings
added to set compliant and to differ between set and empty fields
remote audit reports require now also a process reference list
added new fields
allow to add language specific scopes for certificates in different languages [all reports->Organization information]
allow month based dates for Dates of CSR [audit reports->Customer information]
add evidence of implementation files container (CBs field request) [Nc Management->Organization]
because CARA inherits all NCs from previous reports verification of previous audit nonconformities will get a column special audit conducted which will replace effectively implemented in this case [Audit reports->Audit conclusion]
Manufacturing process add no of operational shifts for every cycle to avoid removing data on old cycles based on reduced amount shifts in this cycle [Audit report->Manufacturing processes]
Manufacturing process shift times for this audit cycle [Audit report->Manufacturing processes]
Repeating Cb block for NCs revoked and returned by organization multiple times. Final block is always the last one [NC-Management->CB]
CbCertificate No for providing and receiving support locations
postal code is now required please set N/A if not applicable
organization files import
added a protocol to identifier import details
changes in print
reduced the pdf file size
fixed: wrong formatting of index on 2 pages titles
fixed: wrong formatting of process reference list on page break
new fields were added
customer information page is now horizontal
nc report
horizontal NC overview containing now all relevant information about the NC
Adhoc-NC report
saving of report is now possible from all pages in the header
estimated file size is calculated
on NC report at 10 MB a warning shows up to send the rest of files separately
on NC report at 25 MB further attachments are blocked
print of draft report added
loading of IATF CARA was improved in the first load only essential language files are added
Multi element sites (i.e. Processes, sites, NCs)
Filter and sort functionality
Quick jump index to next element
Jump to field
possibility to move up and down of processes to resort them
NC management report answer block can be repeated on each reajection
new mandatory fields are optional and not printed if the audit date end was before the release
Meta information for each report or nc report including estimated file size
improved some translations
added option inheritance to special audit for remote location reports
NC Management
added 8.2.2 NC selection
removed index from nc print
business rule change
increased possible expiration date of certificate
all report list might contain only
auditor audit dates on site improved
ask to confirm password for encryption
fix loading of same file names is blocked by browser
meta information icon for ids and other data
recognition of file type based on data content not file type ending
additional merge exceptions
business rules changes
“All automotive customer(s)” CSR required fields only Name or Date of CSR document is required (one of both not both as before)
Certificate Issue and expiration date is not required for Stage2, Transfer audits
print documents
process reference list design was improved and color codding was added
update information message system for auditors using local zip packages
Copy of site templates so activities can be kept through sites
Add process list as list so processes will be added automatically
improved remote audit report
fields not available in remote audit report removed
options for selection
print documents
do not print empty tables
do not print empty pages (i.e. no Ofi, PA)
adjusted header so long remote support audit function will fit better
added information to results section for IATF NC CARA
Question “is this a remote audit” and field for required reason for remote audit
Retry for password entry
direct link to video tutorials when online
1.1.8 B17
UTC time for Shifts in stage 1 report print
UTC time in displayed dates on site selection
wrongly displayed message for encryption blocked by Cb
Document print
disclaimer after results activated
work Instructions added
business logic changes:
processes can be now on and off site
question “If 100% resolved, target date for special audit” only required on “Accepted, but 100% resolved” reviewer decision
removed the fix on next scheduled audit to approve later dates due to the situation
improved merge of audits
only if text entries of auditors differ and are not empty they will be shown as co-auditors entries
added an info icon if process has merged data information
on enter in activities no new lines are added
improved xml compatability and issues and continued reports from developments site
Process reference list
overview for NCs for better identification
fixed resetting of NC Management organization data problem on edit
removed CB part from print in NC CARA for organization (no warnnings)
improved loading in NC CARA
fixed “Conformity, effectiveness and relevance over the last 3 years” on print number to Yes/No
improved merging function, added No increments to avoid number collision, Ofi inheritance added
fixed typos on Activities
improved next scheduled audit options
added business logic for special audit recognition
improved NcManagament date inheritance
pdf: reduced the size of pdf several fold
Stage1: fixed times to UTC, old times will be transformed
typo CAA to CCAA number corrected
improved date selection for audit date start and end date
Service Worker
Forces browser to load new pages from webserver on update by versioning marker on all files (fix: pages were loaded randomly from cache control of the browser, which created version inconsistency and incomplete updates)
added enter ISO 9001:2015 requirement on requirements only based on Iso (fix: confusing for auditors on multiple changes of standard clause and not changing requirement)
Fix for loading reports with missing process Ids
general improved translation
entry date can be last audit day date
typo CAA to CNCA number corrected
improved translation
Castilian Spanish
customer information
fixed PSA supplier code
added set IATF OEM on auto complete of recognized OEM
merge import
fixed overwrite of KPIs by non lead auditor
fixed process correction action on activities to strict
report print
Missing Required warning for previous certificate fixed
fixed overlong text columns over one page won’t be printed
improved process description table, more width for entries
boxes disabled due to IATF rule set are greyed out
process reference list
improved business logic remove compliant (x) in process reference list when major (ma) or minor (mi) NC is selected
performance optimization direct entry table
Edge gets slow due to it’s programming no improvement is available yet [it calculates the layout every time new]
fixed old report Ofi/Positive Aspects printing problem, comments problem
fixed missing jsons ending in encrypted backup files
organization information
Set “Are there any outsourced processes” on “If product design responsible for IATF 16949, is the design outsourced” = Yes
Activities only in English
Merge will also merge KPIs based on “Proccess KPI(s)” field
Pdf limit was raised to 10 MB
OFI and Positive aspects were moved to the report not a part of nonconformities
Data will be moved automatically for old reports
Added the possibility for Native language/or additional English scope and address
Fixed the problem that in some browser the index.html is updated directly causing update problems
New design
Better menu interaction
Core functions on start page
Modern design
Required fields are marked red until completed
CARA files can be AES encrypted
Activation in settings
Automatic encryption by saved password
Added different data fields (Please check data definition)
Nc management header was extended for auditors and dates for recommendation use
New fields like scope and address and Id extension like in address
Changed audit team recommendation to accept multiple answers
Added more business logic
Check for audit team recommendation and special results plausibility
Process on/off site automatic switch
Better integration of NCs with results (changes on Ncs will by default overwritten by reference list in audits)
Moved some business logic to report open process to improve checks on imported/loaded reports
calculation of nc or results
finding manufacturing processes in processes and making them available on the manufacturing processes page
Check audit team for duplicated auditors
Calculation of dates on site to 3 decimal precision e.g.1/8 a day
Auto calculation of dates for dates depending on last date of audit
Added information messages when fields are changed by business logic (where might be required)
Added information messages if fields are blocked due to business logic (where might be required)
Added signature option or document is valid without signature
In settings auditors can add a signature image which will be added if their name is set as auditor in possible signature fields
Inheritance on NC dates from report
Date limits on setting nc dates
Autocomplete for Auditor names in NCs
suggests available auditors
Added “Load and add” feature to sites, process, Ofi, positive aspects and NCs to reports with same unqiue id
Added new process reference list layout in audit report to enter directly in table design
Keeping organization data in Nc Actions from previous nc management report import if that data is imported multiple times
Exporting/Saving of single NCs is possible, also loading and joining single NCs to a complete report
Table style process reference list second layout
Direct entry table style layout
Supports calculation of PAs, NCs in results
Improved design
Added new fields
Audit Days are not reset anymore on change
Fixed JSON date bug
Standardized file naming
Integrated IAFT auditor field on start up
Added possibility to add multiple languages to Languages spoken on site
Added Process audit team
Inheritance of NcManagement Data to ProcessReferenceList
Added report merging for auditors
Added additional option to process reference list
Changed Stage1 inheritance to NA for not selected elements
Fixed issue with report printing with CB Logo
Improved printing
Better support for report files with missing required fields like arrays
Changed Positive Aspects and Ofi on results page to number fields
Import of XML files
Continue buttons to resemble menu order
Bug fixes on remote support site audit print showing manufacturing fields
Moving minor due date on results page to the 60 days column
Activation of the Tool only with a valid auditor id
Choosing a CB for the report in Audit Data
Added Table of Contents to Report print
Added Process overview in report print if more than one process
Added NcActions Overview in Nc Management if more than one NcAction