Selecting CBs in IATF CARA (CB specific limitations)

Selecting CBs in IATF CARA (CB specific limitations)

Some information in IATF CARA is controlled by the CB the auditor is working for in the following documentation we show how IATF CARA knows the CB for the auditor and report and which functionalities can differ when working for a specific CB.

The auditor can only create audits for CBs he is sponsored by

Defining CBs in IATF CARA

Available CBs for the auditor

The CBs the auditor can select from is provided by the Iatfdatabase. So only the CBs the auditor is allowed to do audits for will be available for him. The possible CBs will be shown in the settings section after entering the auditor number.



These CBs will be also only choosable in the audit basic data section.

Selecting a CB for a report

The CB is selected on the Auidt data page in the audit basic data area. Only the CBs the auditor is allowed to make audits for will be selectable.

If a report is transferred to an auditor who is not allowed for this CB the CB information is not changed until the audit report is activated. When it is activated and can be changed IATF CARA will remove automatically the CB if it is not a sponsor of the IATF CARA user.

Information and Functionality defined by CB

After selecting a CB the CB specific rule set will be applied on that report. In general the CB specific logo and disclaimers will be attached to all report prints.

Apart from the general print logic some CBs might have specified rules which apply to their audit reports which will limit IATF CARA functionalities described in the documentation. This is due to their internal processes and systems.

The following list shows the functionalities which can be deactivated for CBs

  • Inheritance to other audit types

  • Encryption

Based on the selected CB in the audit report logos and disclaimers will be printed and functionalities might be not available.

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