Data importer for lists and quick entries

Data importer for lists and quick entries

Using csv style entries you can import data directly from files or by quick entry. You only need to define the header and the content by separating columns with the delimiter. Before importing you can check the data and correct it if needed. What you see in the table is what is going to be imported. By defining the headers you can also generate a template for data entry and automatic recognition on import.

Version 1.4 update: The data importer was significantly improved in version 1.4. It now supports updating of data based on key identifiers (i.e. id or process name, csr name, kip name).

Please be aware: Activities lists are not uniquely identifiable so they are not updated but added on multiple repetitions (i.e. importing the same table with sites will update all site information but add the activities every time). If you are adding customers or processes the data importer will always use the last entry for duplicated fields. (i.e. you have two KPIs for the customer “some manufacturer” and you also provide the supplier code. The supplier code of the last line belonging to the customer will be used!)

The data importer and quick entry function is offered for almost all structured data lists like customer information, processes, providing and receiving support sites and be accessed by image-20240711-083903.png-icon which is usually placed next to the add entry icon.

IATF CARA has received a data import feature in release 1.3 which allows to complete data in specific sections by importing csv files (Can be created in Excel by ‘Saves as’ CSV with utf-8 encoding). Or by copying data from other files, into the quick entry box.

Bellow you see the data importer when used for Process. It has three sections.

  1. Field names for import

    1. These are the fields and or questions in the language you have chosen and which are available for import

    2. You can set the order as it is in your file or you want to enter it

    3. You need at least one column but you don’t have to fill more than that

    4. After selecting the required headers you can generate a template CSV you can edit in excel. The headers will have specific name which are used to properly identify them in CARA. You can also correct already created files with the proper field names or the exact description. Important is that there are no typos for the recognition to work. The used field name might differ from the header description (i.e. “4.1” as header description for the IATF clause will become “Clause-4-1”).

  2. The delimiter (since Version 1.3.1)

    1. It is used to split the columns into the right fields. The delimiter has a default value by region can be though changed to any character set required (i.e. in Germany it is ‘,' in US ';’)


  3. The entry section

    1. These are the entries made for the specified columns and each column is separated by the defined delimiter

    2. Columns don’t have to be fully complete if they are not used

  4. The import section

    1. This table shows you the columns with their id field names and the values which are going to be set. For complex values like activities or positive/negative selections or clauses in audit reports the importer will translate the data into the proper format (sometimes it is replaces by an id, on process clause a complex string is shown). Important are only fields with a red text showing that the data could not be properly recognized and a value was not set.

    2. The importer recognizes data automatically and will set values accordingly even if the are incomplete or empty. Not selected values for Yes/No questions or tick boxes can be left empty or set with “no” or “0”.

    3. If you have any errors you can correct the file save it and and drag and drop it back again into the CARA Importer or correct the section in the importer text field

Before import

Importing by using a file

You can use the file select option (top right) or drag and drop a file.

A file can have a header or not. Important is that the header column names comply with the correct field names as they are shown in the import table or with the exact question or field descriptions in your language. So you have multiple options to correctly import the file:

  1. Avoid the header altogether and import the file and than choose the correct header in the data importer

  2. Pre generate the proper csv template by selecting the columns copy your data in and than import it back. So you can use a standard template

  3. Open the provided client/CB Excel and copy the right field names into the table for auto recognition

If you have made any error you can always correct them in the quick entry window instead of in the file.

Before importing long lists of entries please save the report in advance imported values can be deleted as per IATF CARA logic but not in bulk so an error can become a tedious task.

Importing complex structures like sites with activities

You can import a site with all data like name and street and than add the same line multiple times to also add multiple activities with their processes. You can also split this task into two separate files the first file has all sites with their adress information. Important is that every site has an id you can import them also without the id but than you have to use the Information icon next to each site to find it’s id. In the second file you provide only the site id and than add the process name and activity. This will extend all previously added site’s with their activities.

Quick entry is available for

  • Customers in customer information

    • Customers are recognized and updated by id or customer name

    • KPIs are recognized and updated based on the KPI

    • CSRS are recognized and updated based on the name of the CSR document

  • Processes

    • Processes are recognized and updated based on id or process name

    • Shifts are recognized and updated by the shift name separated between on site and extended (i.e. a onsite and an extended site can have the same name)

    • KPIs are recognized and updated based on the KPI name

    • Clauses are imported and updated based on the clause number but only NA and X are accepted values as all other values are set by CARA.

  • All types of sites (Receiving support from, Providing support to, Extended manufacturing site)

    • Sites are only recognized by the id as the site name is not unique

  • Projects

    • Projects are recognized and updated based on the project name

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