Extending reports with sites and processes (Load and add to existing report)

Extending reports with sites and processes (Load and add to existing report)

This article explains the second load/import function implemented in CARA. This use case was defined defined by different IT-Systems for joining data in CARA. But can also be used to join work by auditors managing different part of the report.

The CARA Tool recognizes the merging reports on their unique ids only. Work can only be merged if the template report was exchanged beforehand or the id was changed in the raw json/xml file.

This load only works if the report is already in your local CARA database (browser cache) so the report for importing can be found.

How does it work

CARA expects two have the report already in it’s database and now load the data of the new report. All complex data sets in CARA receive an id like processes, sites, NCs, opportunities for improvement or positive aspects. All of theses data sets will be checked if that data set id already exists in the report available in CARA . Only if the data set id is unknown this data set will be added to the existing report.


  1. Create a new report to get a template. The unique id will be generated at this point. Now it is possible to exchange that template directly or to add more data before exchanging it.

  2. Use the save/export report function to generate the CARA json/xml report file. And send that file to the second auditor, who can load/import that report into his IATF CARA.

  1. After the template was completed and send back the data can be extended by using “Load and add to existing report” on the start page. Select the file you received. Now all new data sets will be added to the existing report

Which data is added

Only new data sets are added. All existing data set are not checked for changes or complemented.

  • Processes

  • Extended manufacturing sites

  • Providing support sites

  • Receiving support sites

  • Opportunities for improvement

  • Positive aspects

  • NC Management → non-conformities

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