Proof of Verification VDA6.3
This page show specific test cases and provide user with the json file which can be loaded in the Analysis Tools 2.0 and the evaluation matrix pdf for checking. These are selected test cases of our tests proving the correctness of the implemented VDA 6.3 rules and calculations. The provide examples test only specific rules and calculations and are selective, additional checks were implemented and executed conducting various other checks.
At the top you will find the the VDA 6.3 report verification followed by the VDA 6.3 potential analysis.
VDA 6.3 Report
Test case 1:
Only evaluate activated process elements
N.a. elements will not be part of the max value and excluded from the evaluation (12 of 13) so max value 120
calculated value 98 % and rating A
no downgrading additional expected
proper calculation of P2,P5
Expected ratings
Parameter | Value |
Process element | P2, P5 |
P3 and P4 separated by process/product | no |
Product(group)s | 0 |
Process(es/steps) | 0 |
Test case 2:
Only evaluate activated process elements
calculated value 88 % and rating B
no downgrading additional expected sub rating also B
proper calculation of P2,P5
Expected ratings
Parameter | Value |
Process element | P2, P5 |
P3 and P4 separated by process/product | no |
Product(group)s | 0 |
Process(es/steps) | 0 |
Test case 3:
Only evaluate activated process elements
calculated value 78 % and rating C
no downgrading additional expected sub rating also B
proper calculation of P2,P5
Expected ratings
Parameter | Value |
Process element | P2, P5 |
P3 and P4 separated by process/product | no |
Product(group)s | 0 |
Process(es/steps) | 0 |