Menu and orientation
The application starts with a main menu which offers access to the start page and settings and the different report types. You can use the main menu instead of start page to directly access the last active report of a specific report type.
Once you are in the active report section you will have a second menu bar showing you the pages and functionalities for your report type. The report type you are in will be marked in the main menu in blue.
In the sub menu you will see the pages and functions offered for that report type.
All reports start and open with the header data page.
Header data
This page will ask for general report data, the audit team, participants and projects, product(group)s and process(es/steps)
Every report type has its question section where the questions for the report type are provided and answered
Evaluation matrix (depends on report type)
This page is specific for reports where a complex evaluation is applied. If results can be summed up like in the potential analysis this page is not available.
This page contains the final result summary and improvement plan.
Action plan
This page collects all results which were not optimal (bellow 10/green)
This page allows to collect findings and take notes in a workflow manner. Findings can be collected and afterwards attached to a question.
This page will show all reports in the browser database for this specific report type
Action bar
On every page the title of the page will be shown followed by the action bar showing main report data like the report name or the order no and function buttons for saving and printing.
All print function (print icon) will create a pdf. Next to the icon for printing or saving is the information about the data.
As in the example bellow in the evaluation matrix the default print and save report actions are available. Additionally a pdf for all evaluation matrices can be created (print all evaluations). This pdf will have the total evaluation and the additional evaluations for product(group)s if at least two were defined.
In the footer you find a menu providing you with access to the wiki using help and also access to the ticket system using support. You have access to the data privacy information and the impint.