Header data page

Header data page

The header data page collects essential data about the report like the report name the order no and other details.

In the audit team section the first entry will always be the license owner. This can not be changed. The license owner does not have to be the lead auditor as the auditor type can be set as needed but he will be by default. For auditors it is possible to select by whom the final report is going to be signed by. By default the lead auditors signature is always expected. For the second signature any member of the audit team can be selected.


Similar to the audit team you will find a table for distribution and participants.

Depending on the report type you will find additional settings.

Additional header data for VDA 6.3 reports

For the VDA 6.3 report you can differentiate between product(group)s and process(es/steps).

The first option you will find is a select which will separate the expected answers for P3 and P4 between process and product. By default this option is off and in the P3 and P4 section only one answer per question is expected.

In the P6 section all questions and answers are expected to be answered per process(step). By default once P6 is used for assessment at least one process is required and added.

Additionally the the VDA 6.3 report can distinguish between different product(group)s. If you have more than one product(group) the Product(group)-Process(step) matrix will be shown. You are expected to select the process(es/steps) that belong to the product(group). As you can in the screenshot the boxes are marked in red.

Additional header data for VDA 6.3 potential analysis

For the potential analysis question and answers are separated by projects. By default one project is added.


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