RGA Tool

Maturity level assurance tool (RGA Tool)

The professional application of quality management methods is of particular importance and aims both at the avoidance of defects and at the safe correction of detected or occurred defects.

The volume Maturity assurance for new parts 06/2022 published by VDA QMC is intended to enable the user to ensure the consistent representation of the maturity level within the project flow for new parts combined with the assessment of product and manufacturing process maturity at agreed points in time within the product development process.

A documentation tool was developed to support the implementation of this method.


Functionality of the tool

  • Available in German and English

  • Assessment of the maturity level via the seven maturity stages

  • Separation of maturity level 0 and 1 from the remaining maturity levels incl. password protection

  • Assessment of all maturity stages on one report page

  • Documentation of project progress with complete history

  • Addition of own measurement criteria

  • Creation of standardized PDF reports with detailed selection options


Technical information

The RGA Tool is a browser-based software that can be used as a progressive web app online and offline in the browser. All data is stored locally in the browser and can be saved and reloaded individually as files.

Only a current browser like Chrome or Edge etc. is needed to use it. An installation does not have to be performed.