| | |
2.3.1 | 09.02.24 | |
2.3.0 | 01.02.24 | |
2.2.6 | 15.10.24 | |
2.2.5 | 14.09.24 | fix VDA6.7 n.a in Potentialanalysis. Only allow for P7and P8 without impact on result added own report deactivation of default downgrading optimized evaluation matrix pdf for more than 7 sections updated excel action plan added delete confirmation for report data section lists
2.2.4 | 07.05.24 | |
2.2.3 | 18.03.23 | added internal audit selection some header fields will not be printed anymore if not set added image conversion for png to jpeg added deactivation for formatted audit notes and comments to increase question performance added filter function for audit lists added general list on start page to access any report type data storage is now encrypted added option to define a login password for access
2.2.2 | 18.10.23 | improved translations on polish and Chinese added calculation legend to assessment report added print and save to end of assessment page
2.2.1 | 30.08.23 | improved marking in evaluation matrix actually not answered questions compared to n.e. answered questions by coloring them red improved existing language Hungarian corrected evaluation matrix print
2.2 | 26.07.23 | |
2.1.3 | 03.07.23 | redesign signature option for audit team and client. More than two audit team members can be asked for a signature added Swedish as supported language for VDA6.3 reports improved existing translations (Spanish) fixed: long text issue when i.e. summaries are longer than one page fixed: excel generation issue in Czech due to translation
2.1.2 | 08.06.23 | changed questionnaire print to use already entered data in input i.e. projects, process steps added process product matrix to audit data print changed Korean fonts supporting now bold to fix a loading issue corrected typos and updated translations for Czech, French, Italian
2.1.1 | 31.05.23 | added language support for Japanese improved translations for fr corrected es question translations
2.1 | 11.04.23 | Adding VDA 6.7 and Field Failure reports Create own report types based on standards provided Add Korean, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Turkish, Czech, Polish for application and VDA6.3 report Change the application of 2/3 rule based on VDA6.3 SI added Hotkey “Ctrl+B” for backup creation
Details for version 2.1 update changes |
2.0.2 | 29.01.23 | fixed: issue with report print added: image compression to reduce size of files and fix orientation issues when exif in jpeg is used added: option to add signature added: option to create a second footer line added: option to print internal comments in report improved Chinese translations
2.0.1 | 19.01.23 | added quick menu on the right side improved support for older Android and iOS versions fixed logo print issue when proportions are rectangular
2.0 | 02.01.23 | Publishing of the Analysis Tools 2.0 |