Analysis Tools REST API Backend

Analysis Tools REST API Backend

The Analysis Tool has REST API support. The API allows to upload and download json data directly to a server. A lightweight Backend server using Nodejs and Mysql/Mariadb is available has to be completely setup by the clients IT. Cloud services will not be offered.

Analysis Tools provides a REST API backend which allows companies to set up their own backend server to directly interact with a database instead of using the json report files.

The provided backend solution is based on MaraiaDB and a NodeJS based backend which allows a simple user a management. Direct upload and download of backups and reports.

Uploaded report data will also be extracted into an optimized data structure for data analytics.

REST API Settings

After activating the REST API feature the upload/download buttons will be shown in the application. The settings section will receive an additional tab to manage the REST API backend settings.

In the same tab backend user details can be checked and changed and also users can be managed if the proper rights are available.

User management

Users are managed in the REST API backend settings tab. They can be added or edited by users with the user role Admin.

The system supports three types of user roles:

  1. Admin = Has full access to all users and reports

  2. Manager = Has full access to all reports

  3. User = Has only access to reports created by him or reports he is a part of the audit team (This is recognized based on the e-mail address used as user login and provided in the audit team)

For all requests the user has to be logged in and have the proper rights. If the user is not logged in yet or the session is expired a log in request will be preceded. Only after a successful login any interaction can happen with the backend server.

Backups to the cloud

Every user can use the system to upload his own backup of all reports to the server. This function is offered on all start pages.


In the top right corner of the data management a login button will be offered if the users server session is not active otherwise his e-mail will be shown.

Report Management

Even if the backend server is used all activity in the Analysis Tools 2.0 happens in the locally stored data. So the auditor can work offline and on site. Only if the report is uploaded it will be updated on the server. If multiple auditors work on the same report they can not do this in parallel and have to upload (last person who edited the report) and download (next person who is going to edit the report) the report before they work on it.

In the report header of active report an upload and download action will be available. Additional the Active user on the sever will be shown. If the user is not active on the server a login action will be offered.

Every time the auditor opens the report to edit or changes the page the tool will check the version on the server to confirm that the version the auditor is working on is the latest one. For this function the user hast to be logged in. The last report change date on the server will be shown and if there is a possible conflict a warning will be shown to warn the auditor about the changes.

If the auditor is uploading a report and a newer version on the server is recognized the tool will ask to confirm the overwrite of that data.

On all start pages users can use “Load report from server” to download a report from the server.A list of all available reports will be opened and the user can select a report for download. All reports can be filtered based on the report name, organisation , report type and changed date.

In the report list next to each report is a button for the upload available. There is also a download button offered making it possible to directly download that specific report from the server.

All reports are uploaded to the server replacing the version available there. During the upload process the report data is extracted into relational database tables optimized for data analytics.


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