Assessment page
The assessment page between report types is mainly the same. At the top you will find the Audit result which will differ depending on the report type used. Bellow you can see an example for the VDA 6.3 report and the VDA 6.3 potential analysis report.
Report audit result
The report audit result start with the total result of the evaluated process elements. The rating might ne lower than expected based on the calculated result The reason is a downgrading due to a downgrading rule. If this is the case at the bottom will be a section showing the downgrading rules responsible for the downgrading to the lowest level (i.e. if the calculated rating would be A but the total result is C only downgrading rules to C will be shown not possible Downgradings to B).
If the report was done for more than one product(group) the result for that product(group) will be shown per product.
If in any process element selected for assessment the minimum requirement of answering 2/3 of all questions is not obeyed a line will show that process element. If this line is shown the report is incomplete as it does not comply with the VDA 6.3 rules.
Potential analysis audit result
The potential analysis result shows an overview of all answers. By default unanswered questions will be treated as n.a.. The total rating in the potential analysis is based on the downgrading rules for the potential analysis.
Common assessment sections
The audit result is followed by a Last audit result section which is optional. If no entry is made it won’t be printed in the final report.
A summary for the report is expected allowing also a limited formatted text.
The final section is the improvement plan allowing to add steps and activities with a deadline. This section is also optional and won’t be printed if not defined.