Questions page

Questions page

The layout and functionality between report types differs. As the potential analysis report has less questions and is always fully evaluated it will not expect question sections to be explicitly activated for evaluation.

VDA 6.3 report

In the VDA 6.3 report the question sections that are going to be evaluated have to be activated for the assessment by using asses question. If not they will be always evaluated to n.a.. Once the section is activated for evaluation the completion of at least 2/3 of all questions for that section is expected otherwise this question section will be marked as incomplete. The tool will mark the sections in red and also provide a disclaimer in the assessment result as a report will always provide a result but the VDA 6.3 report rules have to be obeyed.

Once a question section is is activated for assessment, it will open. On the left you will find the hide/unhide button. By default when the page is opened question sections are closed and have to be opened.

In the section header is a counter showing the required questions to be answered. If a separation based on product/process or process(es/steps) is required per answer block a separate counter will be shown. As long the requirement of minimum answered questions (2/3) is not fulfilled the counter will remain red. More details about the 2/3 rule application FAQ 10: Analysis Tools 2.0 2/3 rule report.

On the right action buttons are available to set alle answers either to n.a, or to green/10. With the action “Do not assess” the section will be closed and all entries for that section will be deleted.

Process driven questions require the definition of one or more processes (i.e. P6 in VDA 6.3). In that case you need to define those questions on the Header data page.

VDA 6.3 potential analysis

Most of the functionality for question page in the potential analysis is similar to the normal report. The main difference is the audit result section providing a direct overview about the answer and rating and of course the different type of rating.

Question section

At the top of the question section is the question no and the question. It is followed by the examples and requirements section.

After the requirements section the result section starts. Depending on if the question is split based on project or process the reference will be provided i.e. the name.

Depending on the result a reason (n.a.) or finding (less than green/10 points) will be expected. For a finding in the VDA 6.3 report an immediate action can be defined by the auditor as expected. If an immediate action is expected the auditor can already enter the immediate action. This is not required though. If a result is bellow optimal (green/10 points) an entry for this question will be created in the action plan. If the immediate action was entered it will be added as well. (The immediate action will be updated from the question section into the action plan until it was altered in the action section itself). It is also possible to add more than one finding. Additional findings will be added to the action plan and an action and reason per finding will be expected.

In the internal comments section comments and entries by the auditor can be made. This section can be deactivated in settings if it is not needed or required. Additional to a comment a compliance state can be set. The difference between an internal comment and a finding is the application of findings into the action plan and also to the print of the report. The internal comment is for notes the auditor makes for his own documentation.

The last entry section for a question is the Image section. This section allows to make image or attach images (png/jpeg) or even pdf.

The add clip icon file open a file select window. Alternatively you can also drag and drop a file into this section. Only images in jpeg format are printed in report files. All other formats are only mentioned by file name.

Using the camera

Using the add camera icon you can open a camera viewer which will open the camera function of your device. Using the shutter icon a picture is taken.

Once the picture is taken additional functions will be available. A name field will appear expecting a file name for the image.

Using the eye icon the image will be shown. If a the picture is acceptable using OK will add it to images section if not it can be retaken using the shutter icon.

Attachments have a trash icon for removal and a eye icon. The eye icon opens the image or pdf in a viewer. The image will be larger than the default image size in the images/attachment section and the pdf can be read directly.

By clicking on the icon it will be downloaded into the default downloads folder by default “Downloads”.

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