FAQ 07: Offline Usage / License validity (offline validity)

FAQ 07: Offline Usage / License validity (offline validity)

Depending on the application a license is required to use it. On every startup/reload the license is checked. The license remains offline valid for 21 days and is reset on every successful check. If the license could not be checked within the timeframe access to the application will be blocked. By restarting or reloading the application with an internet connection the license will be validated again.

Offline Usage

The product is a so called progressive web app (PWA) after first startup it will be downloaded and saved in your browser cache. As long you do not delete your browser history you can use the product offline. Please only make sure that the license can be checked within 21 days. Please see bellow. You don’t need to do anything extra to use it offline you can open it as usual.

As seen in the screenshot above the tool will show on the main page on the right the version number and if it is offline available.

License validity

The license you are using is bound to your name (named user license). You can use your license on as many devices as you like as long it is only used by yourself. If the application does not need a license no license checks are executed and the Information bellow is not required.

The software will check your license on every startup you can see this in the black notification in the bottom center. If the check was successful you will see a success message with your name. If you have no access to the internet you will only see a request error. This will happen when you are offline. This is though not a problem as the application supports offline work. Your license is 21 days valid without a license check.

The information about the validity of the offline license can be checked in the settings section->User settings. Next to the license field is the license validity field showing the offline validity until the next check is absolutely required. On every successful validity check that timer is updated with the new 21 day date.

The provided license is a lifetime license for the provided software as is. All updates will be provided free of charge. Content updates and extension within the license and application scope are subject to the discretion of the VDA QMC.


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