Release 1.5 Change summary and explanation

Release 1.5 Change summary and explanation

One of the major changes of this version is the addition of Rule 6th requirements while still keeping Rule 5th available and functional. The rule definition is defined by the audit start date, making all reports starting after 01.01.2025 rule 6th. The second major change is the removal of the separation between report types of audit report and standalone remote support location report. They business logic is still different but the separation is no done by setting the “Standalone remote support location” switch in Audit data.

Removal of “Standalone remote support location audit report”

Because the “Stage 1” and “Special report” also differ between a regular site and a standalone remote site. The separation of “Audit report” and “Standalone remote support location audit report” did not make that much sense anymore so the report types were unified to “Audit report” and the differentiation is now done in Audit Data same as in “Stage 1” and “Special report”. Both “report types” had already a high intersection.

All previous reports were automatically migrated and updated. As always legacy support remains and all loading processes will apply the required correction.


To aid with the finding and filtering the report lists now can also be filtered for “standalone remote support location audits”


Fully redesigned Stage 1 report for Rule 6th

  • Pages “Stage 1 planning” and “Stage 1 document requirements” were replaced by “Part 1: System and Structure” and “Part 2: Operational Assessment”

The new pages also support different types of repeat assessments as “Repeat full scope” or “Repeat limited scope”. Which will differ on the availability of those pages. As in limited scope the previous questions only have to be reviewed for Areas of concern.


NC management documentation for majors

The 15 days response now has to be documented as well in the completed by CB section in S5 for all Rule 6th reports. The reviewer decisions were updated.


Activities can be entered now from the site using that process or from the process section

This allows auditors to work from the section which fits the best i.e. they have imported supporting and supported sites and don’t need to make any changes while they still have to review the process. So they can do everything from the process section.

Also the new required marking of sampled processes can be done directly next to the process or site which was sampled.

This does not impact the printing position in the document. Activities are still only printed in the supporting and supported site sections the checkbox for sampled will be printed there as well. Additionally the summary of sampled sites will also be printed in the process section of the report.



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