FAQ: Migrating License / Employees Leaving

FAQ: Migrating License / Employees Leaving

Create a backup and store that data safely in the companies storage. By design no data is available by the license or our support team. Answer the invoice e-mail with details about the change you want to make former user of the license to new user of the license.

IATF CARA is local based application. Make sure that all data was exported/saved in json format to be load back again in other employees accounts. The report export contains only a specific report the backup contains all data of the tool.

  1. First store all completed reports as json file (export report) in your internal data storage/document management system to have that version secure. If not yet done. We always recommend to save json and pdf together once the report is completed for data safety and versioning reasons.

  2. Make a backup so the license and all data can be migrated to the new user account/device FAQ: Saving and loading Data and data storage

  3. Contact the webshop by providing the invoice and ask to change the previous user employee license to the new user license.

  4. Load the backup in the new users browser. Once the license was changed by our Webshop team the name will be updated on the restart of the application and all new audits will be started in the new users name. In previous reports the auditor will not be changed as expected.


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