ML0-ML7 Question page

ML0-ML7 Question page

The questions are separated in different question sections from ML 0 to ML 7. ML0 to ML 1 are focused on the internal processes and can be protected by a password. ML 2 to ML 7 represent the interaction between the Supplier and Costumer. To represent this interaction the tool allows to exchange the questionnaire and than migrate it back again with the suppliers information.

The Evaluation in the question is based on the chosen status for the supplier and consumer. The main responsible can be the costumer or supplier depending on who is on the right side. The value of the right side will be always the result for the question. If no value is provided on the right side the left value is used for the total evaluation.

Questions can be deactivated by not applicable. The producer (left side of the evaluation) can provide a problem description and also the receiver. An additional action field is provided if expectations are not met or additional changes are required. The responsable person can be defined for the action including a due date. As non editable fields the last change date and name are set based on the license owner.


Apart from the already provided criteria based on the VDA RGA/ML book you can additional criteria in the available langues German and English.



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