Data description for IT
The IATF audits have different types of data structures. The used data structure is a mix of data structure design and efficient structure to be used in the application and requirements during the development. Fields are only generated if they receive a value, by default a missing field is an undefined field.
Data types
data types | description |
bit | has values 0 and 1 (used for yes/no questions) as string “1” |
boolean | has true and false (used for selects and business logic) |
string | not limited string value (checked with business logic where possible, example Auditor Id) |
int | int have only positive values |
double | double have only positive values |
different option types | every type is described in the data definition |
date | exported as text string “2019-11-06T00:00:00.000Z” |
timestamp | int in milliseconds |
file data | All files are saved as base64 encoded string. Files are limited to jpeg image files and pdf files for security reasons |
Supported Tags for formatted fields
b/strong, i/em, del, a, h1, br, del, ul and ol with li, p
other tags will be also evaluated in the digital version but not in print
If you are importing data you need to skip or remove “
" which will be added by the used editor
Export Format
All data can be exported as json or xml file. We recommend the use of json due to it’s lesser overhead a simpler rule set.
The json file is loaded as object into CARA.
All xml exports of a report or nc management will be contained withing <CaraReport> tag. To comply with xml requirements on export all elements in the data structure starting with a number receive an Xz insert before the number (example index 1 becomes Xz1 and 4.1 becomes Xz4.1). All fields are encoded to be xml compatible. On import all xml tags defined as arrays are cast to array all other elements are created as objects. The Xz compatibility tag prefix will be removed. All values are decoded and cast into date, int, double types.
CARA does not check the provided files for CARA non conform data fields. Those fields will be loaded but not used. For internal data exchange and management purpose additional id fields etc. can be added (in xml additional array fields should be avoided).
CARA works with the implemented business logic for printing and displaying data. Data fields which are entered and later hidden due to business logic will almost always keep their data (e.g. Organisation information page → Dedicated to automotive)
All reports keep the same data structure. Fields are shown based on business logic. Most of the application structure is replicated in the data structure. Please check the sites of the different report types, to identify the data structure blocks not part of the specific report type. Not required data won’t be used/shown, while still kept in the data structure. The data structure versioning will comply with the major release versioning of the audit tool because only major releases will have changes on the data structure. If minor version is attached some corrections on the description were made.
You will find attached the description for the report data structure. All data fields are always contained within the page they are belonging to or connected to the base data object like Processes. The description for a field contains the text within the application or additional information if the field is not part of the application.
All reports get a unique id and a created and changed value.
Due to the business logic which depends on previous fields and not so much on the chosen audit type and to avoid a complex business logic column in the data description we recommend checking the applied logic using CARA and the defined help descriptions.
CARA is downward compatible. If is required to transform/move any data fields this functionality will be implemented into CARA so existing reports will work with the new formatted data. This will also happen for loaded reports (generated by IT). If they are based on previous data formats that data will be moved by CARA when the report is opened for edit.
Data types for CARA reports
Data type | Report Type |
| Stage 1 readiness review |
| Audit report |
| Remote support function audit report |
| Special audit report |
| NC management report when exported on it’s own. In general the Nc management is connected to the report it belongs to |
| Adhoc Nc report |
JSON Schema files
Functionality on import
On import the data is not checked against the business logic. The only transformation is handled on xml data integrating into arrays where required and removing the Xz on tags starting with a number. At the moment checks are connected to the page in which that content will be entered. This is due to avoid to many calculations within the browser on each change of any data.
How to export/import
For now the CARA tool uses the manual process of creating an export within the application and saving it in defaults download folder or using save as. The import is a file choosing process for a file to import. The system checks against already existing reports in the local browser database with a unique id and warns the user if the report he is importing is going to be overwritten.
Data Description Release Information
Version | Date | Changes |
1.5 | 31.12.24 |
1.4RC1 | 31.05.22 |
For example data creation and testing please use the development site. Data description files: |
1.3.2 | 02.10.22 |
1.3.1 | 18.07.22 |
1.3 | 12.04.22 | This update added a lot of fields due to business rules and inheritance functionality capabilities. Most noticable are new mandatory NcObservedProcess and the PreviouslyAudited for the process audited history.
| | 17.09.21 |
1.2.2 | 26.07.21 |
1.2 | 02.05.21 |
1.1.9 | 15.12.20 |
1.1.8 | 03.10.20 |
1.1.6 | 19.08.20 |
1.1.4 | 13.07.20 |
1.1 | 01.06.20 |
1.0.2 | 14.01.20 |
1.0.1 | 12.01.20 |
1.0.0 | 06.01.20 |
0.98.20 |
0.98.02 | 25.11.19 | Audit report description: Removed
Removed |