Action plan page - Action Plan Manager

Action plan page - Action Plan Manager

The action plan page shows the report header data and all findings sorted by question and reference (i.e. process(step), project …).

In the header of a finding section the question is shown and also the reference if available and the result.

At the top if Images as proof ware added by the auditor they are shown. Per finding for the question result a section will be added containing the finding and expecting the response by the client. At least one actions/measures section is expected per finding but it is possible to add additional sections.

For each reason and measure files can be attachmed. It is possible to attach images (png/jpeg) or pdf files. These files can be attached using a file select which will be opened using the add clip icon.

Alternatively they can be added by drag and drop. The attachment section will grey out to show you that it is ready to receive the file. If the device has a camera an image can be taken and attached.


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