FAQ 12: File attachment warning at 10 MB and block at 25MB or lower (dependent on the CB)

IATF NC CARA was designed to offer the NC Management in one place. Attaching files to the NC report enables you to keep all information in one place and complete the NC Management. Due to technical limits (i.e. limited e-mail size accepted by servers) it will create a IT handling problem if clients drop more data into one file which in turn will exchanged maybe even multiple times. Attaching files is not mandatory though recommended for easier NC Management handling.

When the provided limit is reached additional documentation has to be referenced in the provided documentation fields and send separately using with the CB/auditor upon agreed means of exchange i.e. e-mail, cloud.


  • 10 MB

    • when this limit is reached IATF NC CARA will display a warning on further attachments

  • 25 MB (or lower based on CB)

    • when this limit is reached IATF NC CARA will not allow additional attachments to avoid technical problems (timeout on e-mail send)

Because IATF NC CARA does not use a central data server where files are uploaded attaching to many files might cause problems on sending files back and forth on a technical level. This is the reason why attaching was limited to a fixed border.

Recommendations for keeping attachments small

  • Enter the text into the provided text boxes

  • Attach images (images will be automatically compressed)

  • Optimize the saving of pdf (i.e. amount of DPI on scans, size of images added to pdf)