Methoden Assessment Analysis Tool
Welcome to Methoden Assessment Analysis Tool knowledge space. This site will help to answer all the questions you have about the analysis tools. Analysis tools is a collection of VDA standardized reports. To use this application you need a valid license which can be bought at VDA QMC Webshop.
Service Desk
Before creating a request please have a look into our manual or FAQ. If you are missing data have a look at . All data is only on your device we can not restore any data even if you contact us.
You can access the Analysis Tools using the link The software is a progressive web app and uses your browser cache to save data and to save itself so you can use it even without an internet connection. To use this functionality you need to make sure that you don’t have any settings in your browser wich clear your history or are using additional software which will do this for you regularly. You can still use our product but you won’t have it offline available or use the comfort to access your directly from the start. The tool comes with a full backup functionality which you should use regularly. You can also change your settings to get a warning before leaving the tool and creating automatically a backup.
The tool can be accessed using It is offline available as long you don’t clear your browser cache (history). Make regularly backups of your data.