Improved Encryption Concept

Issues with implemented version

The CARA Tool supports encryption since version 1.1 this functionality works but causes some problems and security concerns:

  1. The now implemented solution will require CBs to enter or collect passwords for reports which is not that feasible

  2. The encryption is based on the password which will require to know the password

  3. The entry of passwords especially for organization NC exports might be problematic if users use known passwords which are than provided to a third party. This is also problematic if provided to the CBs

Solution concept

1. General rule for all passwords

Problem: avoiding knowing the entered password for decryption

All passwords should be SHA-256 hashed.

  1. This will provide the possibility to enter the correct password to encrypt the file if a hashing function is attached.

  2. Knowing the hash value makes it possible for CBs to decrypt the password file without knowing the password

2. Encryption of report files

Problem: providing the CBs with the password for encryption

Limitations: The password has to be attached as secure as possible to avoid decryption and can only be attached to the content

  1. The password hash will be set before the AES encrypted content (bas64 encoded length 344)

  2. The password hash will be used and it will be encrypted using RSA (due to javascripts readability of code this is the only solution so the CB can decrypt that hashed password and nobody else)

    1. Using RSA allows to provide every CB with its own secure key while attaching the public key to the CB data in CARA

    2. RSA is efficiently secure

    3. If the password has to be changed a new private/public key pare will be generated

      1. New public password will be distributed by a CARA minor update

      2. The CB will use the new private password and has a fallback for the old one (He has to test against all old passwords because of possible older files)

  3. The public key for encrypting the password will be selected by the chosen CB for the report

  4. The attachment of the password is only activated by request of the CB

3. Encryption of Noncomformity reports

Possible Extensions:

  1. The hash value of the password is saved in the auditors report so on import no password has to be entered. Because the auditor works with the organization on the report attaching the password to the report is no problem.

  2. The hash password is also part of the nc management report and set automatically for the organization.

  3. The organization will not get the option to choose encryption and use a different password. All exports for the auditor will be automatically encrypted with the hash value of the password provided by the auditor

4. Encryption of Backup Data

Apart from using the the hash key of the password for the encryption the backup data encryption won’t be changed further.

RSA Example

public key


private key






Encrypted key (length : 344)
