FAQ 36: Client NC response is not loaded/partially loaded

FAQ 36: Client NC response is not loaded/partially loaded

Issues in loading the client response are usually related to a) the client did send the wrong json file or b) NCs have been changed after sending the NC report to the client or c) the audit report is missing in CARA


This issue has usually only three reasons:

a) The client is sending the wrong json file

b) After loading the NC you get the load feedback that 0 or only a part of all NCs could be merged

c) You are trying to load a file and the report is missing

Check and resolution

How to check and resolve the issues

@a) The client is sending the wrong json file

You can check the client response yourself in NC Cara

=> If the client responses are available continue with the other checks


@b) After loading the NC you get the load feedback that 0 or only a part of all NCs could be merged

CARA has a data protection so only the client response data is updated for an NC. Each NC has a unique identifier it is matched against. You can see the identifier in the I icon image-20240725-135902.png next to each NC.

=> If the client response data can not be matched this means that the NCs were removed/recreated after they NC report was send to the client. To fix this issue the original NCs have to be restored.

Please follow these steps:

  1. Locate the nc management report you have send to the client. This means the first version without the responses. Use “Load Report/Backup” this will restore the nc report to the state it was in when you send it to the client.

  2. Now use “Load client NC report” to load the client response

If you have this issue please work on your workflow as it is impossible to happen without you deleting NCs or loading old versions of the audit report. For future reference before sending and creating the NC report to send to the client also save the Audit report. The audit report json always contains your audit and nc in the current state as they are closely linked by business logic.

Please also read IATF CARA quick guide for data safety


c) You are trying to load a file and the report is missing

Each report is identified by a unique identifier which is also transferred to the NC. Only when those match the client responses from the NC report the client send are added to the NCs in the original audit report. You need to load the original audit report. If you have made a copy of the audit report in CARA even though the data might be the same the copy has a new unique identifier and you need to load the original audit report.

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