FAQ 28: Why is my IATF CARA empty? data incomplete?

FAQ 28: Why is my IATF CARA empty? data incomplete?

As provided in all the warnings in the short instructions and in the documentation IATF CARA is not a cloud based database. Data can only be savely stored in audit files using the save report function or in backups using the save all reports. Though we provide the comfort function that users can access the data the next day because it is saved in the browser cache the browser is not a save way to save data long term because it can not be controlled by IATF CARA. Resetting the browser cache will result in the deletion of IATF CARA data.

All data can be stored by using the backup or loading the specific report file (a report file contains all information including all NC information)

We are really sorry we can not restore any data, because it will not be send to any servers due to data privacy requirements. We will answer data question only with this FAQ. All information is provided in advanced and users a warned not to rely on the browser cache. Though our tests have proven that data will remain in the browser cache for years if it is not actively deleted or reset by a faulty update.

Please execute the following checks:

  1. Is your cache cleared on closing of the browser. Than follow this FAQ: FAQ 15: Deactivate browser clear cache after closing function

  2. Are you using the same browser on the same device?

  3. If 1. was yes.

    1. check if you are using multiple profiles in the browser with sync activated as they will start using differente browser histories.

    2. You can restore data from the backup which is created on closing every 14 days if it is not cancelled by the user. Use “Load report/backup” and check your downloads folder for IATF CARA backups.

  4. If 1. is no and you are using a new device you need to backup your data on your old device an load it on the new device.

Please also check how you can set the backup interval reminder and load backups:Securing/Saving data and loading(Backups).

The saving of data from a browser based application is limited by security settings of browsers and can not be changed.


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