How to 1: Create company specific requirements (Formel Q)

The Analysis Tools supports the creation of company specific requirements and downgrading rules. It is not possible though to add additional questions.

The company specific requirements is the last option in the product development menu VDA Analysis Tools - Company specific requirements.

This site splits in two sections the company specific requirements and the additional downgrading rules. The here defined company specific requirements in turn will be applicable on all reports without any additional change. It is so only possible to have only one set of company specific requirements. The downgrading rules will be imported into the report once they are activated in the results section. Any change on them has to be loaded by turning them of and on again which means that the values are lost.


At the top left you find the export and import function to create a file to transfer these rules within the organization.

In the settings section you can specify the language. This enables you to create these rules in different languages. One set of rules supports multiple languages. The language is applied on the company specific requirements and downgrading rules.

Company specific requirements

In this section you find all available question blocks. With the arrow icon you can open/close a specific question block for further entries. On the left site of the question you have a text box for the requirements on the right you have the opportunity to add examples for these requirements. A limited amount of formatting options is available

Additional downgrading rules

Additional downgrading rules allow you to add rules you can apply to downgrade a report based on some rule. These rules are only of a textual nature and have to be applied by you. No business logic can be applied here.

A business rule consists of two the sections the rule and the downgrading options. The rule has to be entered as text in the language specified at the top. The downgrading options which grades can be chosen when that rule is applied

In the result section you’ll find the button “Additional downgrading rules” to make these options available. Depending on the combination you have chosen you will have B and/or C available and of course A which is the default value.