All data—beyond the minimal information required for licensing—is fully private and resides on the user’s device.
No server communication occurs outside of license checks.
License information is limited to essential licensing details only.
Logs are generated exclusively for licensing and tool-download events, and are automatically deleted after 14 days.
Users are responsible for ensuring the safety of their locally stored data.
IndexedDB is not intended for long-term storage; users must back up data by saving JSON and PDF files.
The tool supports creating full backups and saving reports/documents for data preservation.
Security & Risks (White Paper: Secure Progressive Web Application (PWA) Execution and Safe Data Transfer from a Linux Apache Server )
Secure Server Infrastructure
Our servers run on Linux with restricted privileges, hosted in Microsoft Azure.
Regular penetration testing ensures no compromised versions are delivered.
Minimal Data Transmission
The software executes fully offline, limiting potential security threats from data communication.
Licensing requests transmit only the minimal data required.
Local Data Storage
All product data remains on the user’s device, with no online exchange.
IndexedDB access is restricted to the correct domain and protected at the operating system level under the user account.
Some products support additional local user logins and AES encryption for enhanced security.
User-Specific Risks
The primary risk arises if the user’s device is compromised; otherwise, security risks are minimal given the local-only data model.