Outside the scope of licensing data all data is 100% private
No server communication with data outside the scope of license check
License information contains only required licensing data
Logging only for licensing and downloading of the tool
Automatically deleted after 14 days
Users are responsible for data safety in context of storage
IndexDB is not acceptable permanent data storage user have to save json and pdf files#files
Creation of full backup
Creation of report/document saves
Security & Risks
Servers are Linux low rights servers that are regularly pen tested to avoid delivery of comprised version
Security Risks due to data communication are negligible due to 100% offline execution
Licensing requests are based on minimal required data
Security Risks for data by our products are low because data is not exchanged
IIndexDB access is only possible for the correct domain
Security risks existing only by compromised machines the tool is executed on
IIndexDB data is protected by the user account the user is using on the device
Some products allow additional local user logins and also AES data encryption